Vintage Inspired Polaroid Coasters

If you’re like me, Halloween has just ended and you are already ramping up to create your hand-made Christmas gifts. While on the hunt for some DIY inspiration, I stumbled upon a four-year-old blog post by California Home + Design featuring ceramic coasters made to look like vintage Polaroids. As a photo-buff, I instantly fell in love! I’ve recreated this project with a few bonus tips based on my experience.


  • 4.25″ x 4.25″ White Ceramic Tiles
  • 4″ x 6″ Photos (Cut Down to 3.75″ x 3.25″)
  • Matte Mod Podge
  • Foam Brush
  • Sharpie Oil-Based Paint Marker
  • Clear Spray Paint
  • 80 Grit Sand Paper
  • Self-Adhering Scratch Guards
  • Scissors

Step 1:

Use sand paper to lightly scuff up your ceramic tile. This will make the photo adhere better to the tile later on. It will also help your clear coat adhere. Clean off dust with a wet paper towel and let dry completely. This is the most annoying step, but don’t skip it! I tried to take a shortcut on a few up my tiles and ended up with air bubbles because my photos didn’t stick properly.

Step 2:

Write your photo caption using your Sharpie Oil-Based Paint Marker. Make sure to shake your pen (with the cap on) every so often so that the oil paint is properly combined. Keep your caption in the bottom inch of the tile so that it doesn’t get covered by your photo. If you decide to use a colored marker, Destination Decoration has a F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C blog post on how baking temperatures affect paint color.

Step 3:

Place tile in a cool oven on a baking sheet. Pre-heat over to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the oven pre-heats, set your timer for 30 minutes. After time has elapsed, turn off heat and let the tiles cool in the oven for about one hour before removing. Then, let cool on the counter to room temperature.

Step 4.a:

(Skip this steps 4.a and 4.b if you already have your photos printed). While your oven is working, start digitally altering your photos. If you’re handy with Photoshop, I would recommend framing your photos specifically for this project. I’ve made a Photoshop frame with a few drop shadow effects to help add to the 3D Polaroid illusion. You can download my Photoshop frame via Dropbox (CLICK HERE).

Step 4.b:

Add a vintage effect to your photos to give them a nostalgic feel. has a ton of handy pre-sets to help you achieve your desired look. I used “Vintage Colors 1” which you can find in the “Effect” section.

Step 5:

Although you are using a 4″ x 6″ photo, you’ll be cutting it down to 3.75″ x 3.25″. Stretch out your fingers and start trimming photos! We’ll wait…

Step 6:

Brush a coat of Mod Podge on to the back of your photo. Place photo on to tile. Gently remove any air bubbles from behind your photo by using a flat scraping tool (an old gift card will work perfectly). Let dry for approximately two hours.

Step 7:

Spray clear coat over the entire tile. Make sure you are in a well-ventilated area, and check the back of your aerosol can for official application details. Let dry completely – don’t rush it! Repeat 3-5 more times depending upon the viscosity of paint. Remember, it is better to do multiple thin coats than one heavy coat; the more patient you are, the better the end result.

Step 8:

Apply self-adhering scratch guards to the bottom corners of your coaster.

Step 9:

Place frosty beverage of choice on coaster and enjoy! You’ve earned it.

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